Case Law, AI, Start Up Visa Changes, and Ministerial Initiatives
4.0 Hours
JUNE 20, 2024
JUNE 20, 2025
- Ministerial Instructions and In the Media – courtesy of the most famous immigration lawyer in the media
- Artificial Intelligence: Developments and Implications
- Start Up Visas Changes and Liabilities
- Judicial Reviews, Recent Case Law and the Business of Judicial Reviews – RCICs Assisting in Client Preparation
Pre-approved for 4.0 CPD Hours by the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants
Richard Kurland
Ministerial Instructions and In the Media
Richard Kurland is a distinguished Immigration Lawyer licensed in the provinces of British Columbia and Quebec. His notable role as the Editor-in-Chief of Lexbase Immigration is underscored by his guiding principle, "Keeping Ottawa Honest." He is the driving force behind the monthly release of vital information, meticulously obtained through the Access to Information Act, aptly named Lexbase.
Mario Bellissimo
Artificial Intelligence - Developments and Implications
Mario D. Bellissimo is a graduate of Osgoode Hall Law School and a Certified Specialist in Citizenship and Immigration Law and Refugee Protection. He is the founder of BELLISSIMO LAW GROUP PC and the principal lawyer with a practice focus on citizenship, immigration and protected person litigation and inadmissibility law.
Howard Greenberg
Start Up Visas - Changes and Liabilities
Howard Greenberg, in collaboration with Naumaan Hameed, established Greenberg Hameed PC—a firm that introduces an innovative approach to immigration services. This approach addresses the continually evolving landscape of immigration policies and leverages improved technologies to better serve clients.
Lorne Waldman
Judicial Reviews – Recent Case Law and the Business of Judicial Reviews for RCICs
Lorne Waldman LL.B. (Osgoode), LL.M (Toronto) practices exclusively in the area of immigration and refugee law and has done so since 1979. Lorne Waldman has appeared very frequently at all levels of the courts in Canada, including the Supreme Court of Canada, the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal where Lorne has argued many of the leading cases in immigration and refugee law.